We at VoicePath believe strongly that all telephone systems, voicemail systems and servers need to be protected from spikes and surges. This protection is vital to keep you running through a power fail situation and protection from surges during storms. Your investment is protected when you protect it with a strong UPS. We sell Powerware products for this application. After years of product protection, we are convinced this is a great product. Please review the 9 power issues below and see what a good UPS will protect you from.
VoicePath Convergence Group
Head Office:
1621 McEwen Dr. Suite 48
Whitby, Ontario L1N 9A5
Phone: (905) 440-4748
Toll Free: 1-866-541-4748
Fax: (905) 440-4749
E-mail us: inquiries@vpcgroup.ca